Eclair: a Solidity Interpreter
Eclair is a Solidity interpreter designed to provide a fast and intuitive REPL to interact with EVM smart contracts using Solidity.
Eclair is built on top of the Solang for parsing and Alloy for most Ethereum related features.
Eclair is designed to integrate well with the rest of the ecosystem, and can be used seamlessly with Foundry, Hardhat and Brownie on any EVM-compatible chain.
Although Eclair uses Solidity as a base for its syntax, the semantics are not designed to be exactly the same as those provided by the Solidity compiler. In most cases, ease-of-use and simplicity are prioritized over compatibility with Solidity.
Here is a short example of an interaction using Eclair to interact with smart contracts deployed on Optimism using a Ledger.
>> vm.rpc("")
>> abi.fetch("ERC20", 0xded3b9a8dbedc2f9cb725b55d0e686a81e6d06dc)
>> usdc = ERC20(0x0b2c639c533813f4aa9d7837caf62653d097ff85)
>> accounts.loadLedger(5)
>> usdc.balanceOf(accounts.current).format(usdc.decimals())
>> swapper = abi.fetch("Swapper", 0x956f9d69Bae4dACad99fF5118b3BEDe0EED2abA2)
>> usdc.approve(swapper, 2e6)
>> targetAsset = abi.fetch("LToken", 0xc013551a4c84bbcec4f75dbb8a45a444e2e9bbe7)
>> amountIn = 2e6
>> minOut = 2e18.div(targetAsset.exchangeRate()).mul(0.95e18)
>> minOut.format(targetAsset.decimals())
Swapper(0x956f9d69Bae4dACad99fF5118b3BEDe0EED2abA2).mint(address zapAssetAddress_,
address leveragedTokenAddress_,uint256 zapAssetAmountIn_,uint256 minLeveragedTokenAmountOut_)
>> tx =, targetAsset, amountIn, minOut)
>> receipt = tx.getReceipt()
>> receipt.tx_hash
>> receipt.gas_used
Note that this requires Optimism Etherscan API key to be set.