Account management

Loading an account is needed to send transactions to smart contract. Eclair currently supports loading an account using a private key or a Ledger device.

Loading an account

Using a private key

Accounts can be loaded from a private key, using the accounts.loadPrivateKey function:

>> accounts.loadPrivateKey() // usage with no argument
Enter private key:
>> accounts.loadPrivateKey("4546df48889621143395cf30567352fab50ed9c48149836e726550f1361e43df") // passing the private key as an argument
>> accounts.current

Using a ledger

Accounts can be read from a Ledger device, using the accounts.loadLedger function. The accounts.listLedgerWallets() function can be used to list the available wallets on the Ledger device. The index of the wallet to load should be passed as an argument to the accounts.loadLedger function. Note that only the ledger live derivation is supported for now.

>> accounts.listLedgerWallets()
[0x4d09e5617C38F8A9884d79464B7BE1b12353eD05, 0x669F44bB2DFb534707E6FAE940d7558ab0FE254D, 0x5Ac61EbcEbf7De5D19a807752f13Cd7a9Af4Ffc4, 0xb3eBAf4686741C8a7A2Adf7738A1a84a883127c2, 0xC033068376264C0a5971b706894d3fc0eB93A2dD]
>>> accounts.loadLedger(1)
>> accounts.current

Using a keystore

Accounts can be loaded from a keystore created by cast, using the accounts.loadKeystore function.

The keystore can be created using the cast wallet import command:

cast wallet import my-account --interactive

This will create a keystore file in ~/.foundry/keystore/my-account. It can then be loaded into Eclair using:

>> accounts.loadKeystore("my-account")

loadKeystore will prompt for the password to decrypt the keystore. The password can also be passed as a second argument.

Using loaded accounts

Once an account is loaded, it can be used to send transactions to smart contracts. The currently used account can be retrieved using the accounts.current property. A list of all loaded accounts can be retrieved using the accounts.loaded property.

>> accounts.loadPrivateKey()
>> accounts.loadKeystore("test")
>> accounts.loaded
[Account { address: 0xec1a77322592C180Ca626C2f9DDe3976E5712011, alias: null }, Account { address: 0x669F44bB2DFb534707E6FAE940d7558ab0FE254D, alias: null }]

Loaded accounts can be selected using the function.

>> accounts.current

Aliasing accounts

Accounts can be aliased using the accounts.alias function.

>> accounts.alias(0xec1a77322592C180Ca626C2f9DDe3976E5712011, "my-account")
>> accounts.loaded
[Account { address: 0xec1a77322592C180Ca626C2f9DDe3976E5712011, alias: "my-account" }, Account { address: 0x669F44bB2DFb534707E6FAE940d7558ab0FE254D, alias: null }]

Accounts can then be selected using the alias:


The functions to load accounts also allow to pass an alias as an argument:

>> accounts.loadKeystore("test", "my-account")
>> accounts.loaded
[Account { address: 0xec1a77322592C180Ca626C2f9DDe3976E5712011, alias: "my-account" }]