Contracts management

Eclair provides different ways to load contracts (or rather contract ABIs) to be able to interact with them.

Loading from existing project

If eclair is ran in a directory using Foundry, Brownie or Hardhat, all the compiled contracts in the project will be loaded automatically. No additional setup is needed. A list of all loaded contracts can be viewed using repl.types. One caveat is that Eclair does not currently supports multiple contracts with the same name, so last occurrence will overwrite the previous one.

Loading from an ABI file

Contracts can be loaded from a JSON ABI file using the abi.load function. The first argument is the name of the contract, which will be defined in the environment. The second argument is the path to the JSON file containing the ABI.

abi.load("ERC20", "path/to/abi.json")

If the ABI is nested in the JSON file (e.g. under the abi key), the key can be specified as a third argument.

abi.load("ERC20", "path/to/abi.json", "abi")

Fetching ABIs from Etherscan

Contracts can be loaded from Etherscan using the abi.fetch function. Note that this requires an Etherscan API key to be set. The first argument is, as for abi.load the name of the contract, and the second argument is the address of the contract.

dai = abi.fetch("DAI", 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F)
>> dai

For contracts that use a proxy pattern, the process can be split into two steps.

abi.fetch("USDC", 0x43506849D7C04F9138D1A2050bbF3A0c054402dd); // implementation address
usdc = USDC(0xA0b86991c6218b36c1d19D4a2e9Eb0cE3606eB48); // proxy address