Builtin methods

Global methods

These methods are available on all types.

any.format() -> string

Returns a human-readable (when possible) representation of the value. See the format function for more details.

string methods

string.length -> uint256

Returns the length of the string.

>> "foo".length

string.concat(string other) -> string

Concatenates two strings.

>> "foo".concat("bar")

bytes methods

bytes.length -> uint256

Returns the length of the bytes.

bytes.concat(bytes other) -> bytes

Concatenates two byte arrays.

array methods

array.length -> uint256

Returns the length of the array.

array.map(function f) -> array

Applies the function f to each element of the array and returns a new array with the results.

>> function double(x) { return x * 2; }
>> [1, 2, 3].map(double)
[2, 4, 6]

array.filter(function p) -> array

Applies the predicate p to each element and only includes the elements for which the predicate returns true.

>> function isEven(x) { return x % 2 == 0; }
>> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].filter(isEven)
[2, 4]

array.concat(array other) -> array

Concatenates two arrays.

>> [1, 2].concat([3, 4])
[1, 2, 3, 4]

tuple methods

tuple[uint256 index] -> any

Returns the element at the given index.

tuple.length -> uint256

Returns the length of the tuple.

tuple.map(function f) -> array

Applies the function f to each element of the tuple and returns a new tuple with the results.

address methods

address.balance -> uint256

Returns the balance of the address.

num (uint* and int*) methods

num.mul(num other) -> num | num.mul(num other, uint8 decimals) -> num

Multiplies two scaled numbers. By default, the number are assumed to have 18 decimals. The second argument can be used to specify the number of decimals.

>> 2e18.mul(3e18)

num.div(num other) -> num | num.div(num other, uint8 decimals) -> num

Divides two scaled numbers using similar logic to mul.

Transaction methods

Transaction.getReceipt() -> Receipt | Transaction.getReceipt(uint256 timeout) -> Receipt

Returns the receipt of the transaction. The function will wait for the transaction for up to timeout seconds, or 30 seconds by default.

>> tx = Transaction(0xfb89e2333b81f2751eedaf2aeffb787917d42ea6ea7c5afd4d45371f3f1b8079)
>> tx.getReceipt()
Receipt { txHash: 0xfb89e2333b81f2751eedaf2aeffb787917d42ea6ea7c5afd4d45371f3f1b8079, blockHash: 0xd82cbdd9aba2827815d8db2e0665b1f54e6decc4f59042e53344f6562301e55b, blockNumber: 18735365, status: true, gasUsed: 54017, gasPrice: 71885095452, logs: [Log { address: 0xe07F9D810a48ab5c3c914BA3cA53AF14E4491e8A, topics: [0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef, 0x00000000000000000000000035641673a0ce64f644ad2f395be19668a06a5616, 0x0000000000000000000000009748a9de5a2d81e96c2070f7f0d1d128bbb4d3c4], data: 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000007b1638669932a6793d, args: Transfer { from: 0x35641673A0Ce64F644Ad2f395be19668A06A5616, to: 0x9748a9dE5A2D81e96C2070f7F0D1d128BbB4d3c4, value: 2270550663541970860349 } }] }

The receipt is a named tuple with the following fields:

  • txHash (bytes32): the hash of the transaction.
  • blockHash (bytes32): the hash of the block containing the transaction.
  • blockNumber (uint256): the number of the block containing the transaction.
  • status (bool): the status of the transaction.
  • gasUsed (uint256): the amount of gas used by the transaction.
  • gasPrice (uint256): the gas price of the transaction.
  • logs (NamedTuple[]): the logs of the transaction.

Logs is an array of named tuples with the following fields:

  • address (address): the address of the contract that emitted the log.
  • topics (bytes32[]): the topics of the log.
  • data (bytes): the data of the log.
  • args (NamedTuple): the decoded arguments of the log, if the event is known (present in one of the loaded ABIs).

Contract static methods

These methods are available on the contracts themselves, not on their instances.

Contract.decode(bytes data) -> (string, tuple)

Decodes the ABI-encoded data into a tuple. The first element of the tuple is the function signature, and the second element is the decoded arguments.

>> ERC20.decode(0xa9059cbb000000000000000000000000789f8f7b547183ab8e99a5e0e6d567e90e0eb03b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000056bc75e2d63100000)
("transfer(address,uint256)", (0x789f8F7B547183Ab8E99A5e0E6D567E90e0EB03B, 100000000000000000000))

Event static methods

Event.selector -> bytes32

Returns the selector (aka topic0) of the given event

num (uint* and int*) static methods

type(num).max -> num

Returns the maximum value of the type.

>> type(uint8).max

type(num).min -> num

Returns the minimum value of the type.

>> type(int8).min