Builtin values



The underscore _ variable stores the result of the last expression evaluated.

>> 1 + 1
>> _

keccak256(bytes data) -> bytes32

Returns the keccak256 hash of the input bytes.

>> keccak256("hello")

type(any value) -> Type

Returns the type of the input value.

>> type(1)
>> type(uint256)

format(any value, uint8? decimals, uint8? precision) -> string

Returns a human-readable (when possible) representation of the input value. The decimals parameter is used to specify the decimals scaling factor for the value and the precision parameter is used to specify the number of decimal places to display. These are only relevant for numerical values.

>> format(2.54321e18)
>> format(2.54321e18, 18, 3)
>> format(2.54321e7, 6)
>> format(bytes32("foo"))

repl functions

repl.vars -> null

Displays a list of the variables defined in the current session.

repl.types -> null

Displays a list of the types (excluding builtins).

repl.exec(string command) -> uint256

Executes a command in the shell, displays the output and returns the exit code.

>> code = repl.exec("cat ./foundry.toml")
src = "src"
out = "out"
libs = ["lib"]
>> code

accounts functions

accounts.current -> address | null

Returns the currently loaded account or null if none.

accounts.loadPrivateKey((string | null)? privateKey, string? alias) -> address

Sets the current account to the one corresponding to the provided private key and returns the loaded address. If no private key is provided, the user will be prompted to enter one.

accounts.listKeystores() -> string[]

Returns a list of all keystores in ~/.foundry/keystore/.

accounts.loadKeystore(string name, string? alias, string? password) -> address

Loads the keystore located in ~/.foundry/keystore/<name> and sets the current account to the one corresponding to the keystore. If the password is not provided as the second argument, it will be prompted.

See Using a keystore for more information.

accounts.listLedgerWallets(uint256 count) -> address[]

Returns a list of count wallets in the ledger.

accounts.loadLedger(uint256 index, string? alias) -> address

Sets the current account to the one at the given ledger index and returns the loaded address. The index should match the order of the wallets returned by accounts.listLedgerWallets, starting at 0. Only the ledger live derivation path is supported.

accounts.alias(address account, string alias) -> null

Sets the alias for the given account.

accounts.loaded -> Account[]

Returns a list of all loaded accounts.

accounts.select(address account) | accounts.select(string alias) -> address

Sets the current account to the one at the given address or alias and returns the loaded address.

vm functions

vm.connected -> bool

Returns true if the session is connected to a valid RPC.

vm.rpc() -> string

Returns the URL of the RPC the REPL is connected to.

>> vm.rpc()

vm.rpc(string url) -> null

Sets the URL of the RPC to use.

>> vm.rpc("https://mainnet.optimism.io/")

If the RPC URL is set in the configuration file, the argument can be the name of the alias instead of the full URL:

>> vm.rpc("optimism")

vm.fork() | vm.fork(string url) -> string

This creates a fork using Anvil. If a URL is provided, it will fork that network, otherwise it will use the current RPC (vm.rpc()). This returns the endpoint of the Anvil instance.

>> vm.fork()

vm.startPrank(address account) -> address

Starts a prank on the given account. This only works if connected to an RPC that supports anvil_impersonateAccount (which is the case after calling vm.fork()).

>> vm.startPrank(0xCdaa941eB36344c54139CB9d6337Bd2154BBeEfA)


Stops the current prank.

>> vm.stopPrank()

vm.deal(address account, uint256 balance)

Sets the ETH balance of account to balance. This only works if connected to an RPC that supports anvil_setBalance (which is the case after calling vm.fork()).

>> vm.deal(0xCdaa941eB36344c54139CB9d6337Bd2154BBeEfA, 1e18)

vm.block() -> uint256 | string

Returns the current block in use for contract calls.

>> vm.block()

NOTE: this is different from block.number which returns the current block number of the chain.

vm.block(uint256 number) | vm.block(string tag) | vm.block(bytes32 hash)

Sets the block to use for contract calls. Can be a number, a tag (e.g. "latest" or "safe"), or a block hash.

>> vm.block(123436578)
>> vm.block()

vm.mine() | vm.mine(uint256 blocks)

Mines 1 block with no arguments or otherwise blocks blocks. NOTE: This only works for Anvil RPC endpoints.

>> vm.mine(3)

vm.skip(uint256 seconds)

Skips seconds seconds in the blockchain. NOTE: This only works for Anvil RPC endpoints. block.timestamp will be updated next time a block is mined.

>> vm.skip(3600)

console functions

console.log(any... value) -> null

Logs the values to the console.

>> console.log(1, "foo", 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F)

json functions

json.stringify(any value) -> string

Converts the value to a JSON string.

>> json.stringify((1, ["a", "b"]))

fs functions

fs.write(string path, string value) -> void

Writes the value to the file at the given path.

>> fs.write("./file.txt", "hello")

abi functions

abi.encode(any... args) -> bytes

Encodes the arguments according to the ABI encoding rules. Behaves like the regular Solidity abi.encode function.

>> abi.encode(uint8(1), 0x789f8F7B547183Ab8E99A5e0E6D567E90e0EB03B)

abi.encodePacked(any... args) -> bytes

Concatenates all the arguments without padding. Behaves like the regular Solidity abi.encodePacked function.

>> abi.encodePacked(uint8(1), 0x789f8F7B547183Ab8E99A5e0E6D567E90e0EB03B)

abi.decode(bytes data, (type...)) -> any

Decodes the data according to the ABI encoding rules, given the types. Behaves like the regular Solidity abi.decode function.

>> abi.decode(0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001000000000000000000000000789f8f7b547183ab8e99a5e0e6d567e90e0eb03b, (uint8, address))
(1, 0x789f8F7B547183Ab8E99A5e0E6D567E90e0EB03B)

abi.decodeData(bytes data) -> any

Decodes the data (either function calldata or error data) using any registered ABI.

>> abi.decodeData(0xa9059cbb000000000000000000000000789f8f7b547183ab8e99a5e0e6d567e90e0eb03b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000de0b6b3a7640000)
("transfer(address,uint256)", (0x789f8F7B547183Ab8E99A5e0E6D567E90e0EB03B, 1000000000000000000))

abi.decodeMultisend(bytes data) -> MultisendTransaction[]

Decodes a Safe multisend transaction.

>> abi.decodeMultisend(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)
[MultisendTransaction { operation: 0, to: 0x8A5eB9A5B726583a213c7e4de2403d2DfD42C8a6, value: 0, data: 0xe2a4853ae060499125866d3940796528a5be3e30632cf5c956aae07e9b72d89c96e053f100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006f05b59d3b20000 }, MultisendTransaction { operation: 0, to: 0x8A5eB9A5B726583a213c7e4de2403d2DfD42C8a6, value: 0, data: 0xe2a4853a2a55eed44296e96ac21384858860ec77b2c3e06f2d82cbe24bc29993e5a520110000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000de0b6b3a7640000 }]

abi.load(string name, string path, string? key) -> null

Loads an ABI from a file. The name parameter is used to reference the ABI in the REPL, the path parameter is the path to the file containing the ABI, and the key parameter is used to specify the key in the JSON file if it is nested.

abi.load("ERC20", "./ERC20.json");
dai = ERC20(0x6b175474e89094c44da98b954eedeac495271d0f);

abi.load("ERC20", "./CompiledERC20.json", "abi");

abi.fetch(string name, address implementationAddress) -> string

Fetches the ABI of a contract from Etherscan using the Etherscan API key. The name parameter is used to reference the ABI in the REPL, and the implementationAddress parameter is the address of the contract. In the case of a proxy contract, the address of the implementation contract should be provided. See contract management for more information about proxy handling. See Etherscan API Key configuration for more information on how to set the API key.

>> dai = abi.fetch("DAI", 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F)

block functions

block.number -> uint256

Returns the current block number.

block.timestamp -> uint256

Returns the current block timestamp.

block.basefee -> uint256

Returns the current block base fee.

block.chainid -> uint256

Returns the current chain ID.

events functions

events.fetch{options}(address target) -> Log[] | events.fetch{options}(address[] targets) -> Log[]

Fetches the events emitted by the contract(s) at the given address(es). For more information, see events.